During my time as a researcher for the BYU Center for Industrial Design Education, I facilitated both academic and corporate workshops internationally.
I am enthralled with connecting the dots and extracting insights from ambiguity. During my time with CIDER, this enthusiasm translated into publishing two scholarly articles and leading workshops both in academic settings and within the corporate sphere.
Improving the Education Experience in a Design History Course Using Canva, Instagram and LinkedIn
Bryan Howell
Asa Jackson
The 24th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education
Survey Design, Template Design, Analysis & Paper Writing
Assessing Eye Gaze Patterns Between Intermediate and Advanced Sketchers
Bryan Howell
Asa Jackson
Alexandra Edwards
Grace Kilbourn Barber
Kaylee Bliss
Cambridge University Press: 19 June 2023
Proceedings of the Design Society
I spent a month at TU Delft conducting the research sessions with Asa and Bryan. I gathered research, analyzed, and designed the survey for the research.
Co-Design and Artificial Intelligence: A Method to Empower End-Users in Visual Communication
Bryan Howell
Pending DRS 2024 & Cumulus 2024
Research Design, Execution, Paper Writing, Workshop Creation
Utilizing Eye Tracking in Design Education: Actionable Insights & Applications
Bryan Howell
Asa Jackson
Design Research Society 2022, Bilbao
Design for Computing Cognition, 2022 Glasgow
Survey Design, Template Design, Analysis & Paper Writing, Workshop Creation, Workshop Facilitation
Validating the “Fuzzy Front End” of a Research and Development Process
Bryan Howell
Coroporate Workhop to 3 Companies
Content creation, workshop planning, workshop facilitation.
Service Design & Business: An Introduction for Business Implementation
Bryan Howell
Pending DRS 2024 & Cumulus 2024
Research Design, Execution, Paper Writing, Workshop Creation
Service Design Workshop, 2023
In May of 2023, I attended a Service Design workshop facilitated by Aalborg University Service Design Lab. I was able to make connections and contribute industry knowledge to this workshop.